Yearbook Photos!

It’s time for Graphic Tech students to start assembling the annual Westwood yearbook! In order to do that, we need lots and lots of photos!

You will be responsible for providing AT LEAST 15 photos that could be used in this year’s book, and many of these will actually be used!

In order to be useful, a photo needs to be GOOD! Make sure the lighting and colour are right. Make sure you’ve made any adjustments that might make the photo better. Make sure you export your RAW photos as a FULL SIZED .jpg (no size restriction). MOST IMPORTANTLY: make sure you are not handing in LAZY photos. Use your knowledge of composition techniques and pay attention to cropping and the background.

You need:

5 photos (minimum) of a specific group/club/activity/class. (eg: band, art, electronics, science students doing an experiment, athletes in action or uniform, etc.)

5 photos (minimum) of student life. These are general, often candid, sometimes posed, photos of students at school. These ones can be just people hanging around in the hall, library, cafeteria, etc.

5 photos (minimum) that could serve as page backgrounds. These are just areas in and around the school that we don’t really need to pay attention to in order to understand what they are and where. These could be significant/recognizable locations in or immediately surrounding the school.

I HIGHLY recommend handing in MORE THAN THE MINIMUM. Don’t just throw out 100 photos that may or may not be good, or I’ll just look at the first 5. If you have a bunch that are good, you can make sure you’ll get 100%.

I generally can’t/won’t use photos of students unless I can see FACES. If you have photos of the backs of heads, or primarily the backs of heads, I won’t use it so it won’t count.

  • Lazy photos from bad angles or with distracting/annoying backgrounds don’t count.
  • Photos with terrible lighting don’t count.
  • Blurry photos don’t count.
  • Photos with unnecessary, excessive noise don’t count.


Tell Mr. Robson what's on your mind!