GT10 Portfolio

I want you to have something to show for all of your hard work and creativity this semester, so I’d like you to put together a portfolio of your best work, as well as a demonstration of the skills that you should have picked up along the way.

I will guide you and show you a great way to do this, but if you prefer to take the information and display it another way (create a website, put together a video, or some other creative use of your talents), that might be fine (check with me). This should be the kind of thing you could take with you to a job interview to dazzle someone with your skills, or prove to your parents that you’ve learned and created a lot this semester.

Your job in your portfolio is to display a range of projects that you’ve created and explain the skills that you’ve gained along the way. You should be demonstrating work completed in Illustrator, InDesign, and Photoshop, as well as coming up with a few new pieces made specifically for this portfolio.


Using InDesign, you’ll put together a multi-page document that combines your best work from the course and describe some of the things you’ve learned and created along the way.

Using Adobe InDesign, create a MINIMUM eight-page portfolio of your best work completed in Graphic Tech. This portfolio will serve as the final exam for this course and should provide you with something useful to document your time here up to now.

All previous projects should be PLACED in this document so you have an editable copy of those files along with the portfolio. The finished portfolio must be properly packaged without any missing links and handed in electronically. You can even publish electronically when done and you may have a printed copy, if you wish.

Your portfolio must include:

  • A new title page, created in Photoshop: Title, image(s), your full first and last name, section (class), and graphic design elements that make the page aesthetically pleasing. (Use contrast, high quality, appealing elements, effective colour choices, etc.). You could put together a new composite image or use clipping mask Photo Letters for the title, or use one of your Fun with Photoshop tutorials, or just come up with something interesting in Photoshop! Remember to use HIGH QUALITY images and set up your file to be the correct size and resolution (8.5 x 11, 300 pixels/inch)
  • Somewhere in your portfolio (probably the first or last page), you will create a NEW LOGO in Illustrator that has your name AND “Graphic Tech” or “Design” or something along those lines.
  • AT LEAST one Photoshop project that you previously completed. (creature, photo letters, trading card, Fun with Photoshop, etc.)
  • AT LEAST one Illustrator project that you created. (vinyl cutting, original sticker design, logo design, etc.)
  • AT LEAST one InDesign project that you completed. (postcard, brochure, quiz, etc.)
  • AT LEAST one other project of your choice. (personal project that you completed, or just another one of the above projects)
  • A final summation of what you learned, accomplished or gained from the course. What kind of things have you learned and how could you use these skills in the future? What types of things are you qualified to do/create?

In order to print these properly, they need to have 8 or 12 pages. If you don’t care about printing, you could have a different number, but ideally, 8 or 12 pages would

EACH PAGE will contain enough information to explain the project/process/software to someone who did not take the course. Your parents, relatives, friends not in the course, or a prospective employer should be able to look at your project and understand the following things:

  • What was the goal/objective/assignment? What were you supposed to learn/include/accomplish?
  • What was your personal goal – how did you figure out what you were going to create/do/accomplish? Was your goal to make something classy, interesting, silly, serious, weird, etc.?
  • What steps were involved in completing the task?
  • What did you have to learn in order to complete the task?
  • What did you struggle with along the way?
  • How do you feel about your work in hindsight?
  • What would you do differently if you had to do this project again?

Make this as informative, interesting, and appealing as you can. This will show that you learned and accomplished something in this course and will demonstrate some of the skills that you should have picked up along the way. You will get a good mark if you do a good job, and you should be able to bring this portfolio to a job interview to show what a creative and intelligent person you are!

I would recommend setting this up to be Letter size. You can decide whether to add a bleed and cut it out or just accept a bit of a white border. You definitely want Facing Pages for this one:


Tell Mr. Robson what's on your mind!