Light Photo Scavenger Hunt

download a copy or ask me for a printout if you need one

The word Photography comes from the Greek roots of “light” and “writing.” Photography is basically the practice of capturing light onto some displayable medium, whether it’s printed out or on a screen of some kind.

Photo Scavenger Hunt

Today, you need to take some specific photos in some specific light situations. Please TURN OFF YOUR FLASH. If you can, or if you want to work with a partner, take the same photos on your camera and on your phone.

These are the photos I want to see:

  • A photo in the darkened classroom (no flash)
  • A photo of someone or something standing in front of a window (inside, looking out)
  • A photo outside
  • A photo where the camera is in the shade and your subject is in the sunlight (front steps work great)
  • A photo where the camera is in the sunlight and your subject is in the shade (front steps work great)
  • A photo in a part of the school where there’s no natural sunlight (if possible – basement, cave,)
  • A photo of something really close to your camera (play around, how close can you get and still take a photo)
  • A photo of something really far away (zoom)
  • A photo of something moving (another person, a car on the road)

Bring those back and import them onto your computer by copying them into OneDrive or importing them with Lightroom or Lightroom Classic. DO NOT EDIT THEM YET.

Tell Mr. Robson what's on your mind!