Category Archives: GT3040G S2 2023

Logo Revisions

Sometimes, especially when designing for someone else, your work doesn’t come out perfect the first time and it requires some revision in order to come up with a satisfactory final design.

We’ll practice this by reworking/redesigning the logos that you submitted previously.

You’ve been given the opportunity to comment on each other’s work. Sometimes this feedback is helpful and sometimes it isn’t. Sometimes it’s productive and sometimes it’s not. You might not agree with the things that people say about your work. They might not even like it. Your job as a designer is to consider the feedback and figure out what you could do to make your work better.

Your job is to take your original logo and make significant changes that will make it better. You will get marked on how much it changes for the better, so if all you do is correct a spelling mistake or something quick & easy, you won’t get a good mark.

You may love your original design and think that it’s great the way it is. You might be right about that, but you should also consider what it might look like with some revision.

You will submit a new, revised version of your logo as well as a reflection explaining how the feedback helped, what you changed, and what effect the changes had.



Initial designs:




Logo Feedback

One of the most valuable things you can do to make your designs as effective as possible is to get feedback and other opinions, then revise your design as necessary. That’s exactly what you’re going to do next.

I’ve compiled all of the logo designs that have been handed in and have given you the same feedback questions/ratings that you were supposed to fill out about your own design.

The more feedback you give, the more helpful you can be. You’ll want to get some good feedback about your design in order to make meaningful revisions, so it’s important that you give as much feedback and advice as you can for other people.

You do not have to fill out every question, but if you have any constructive thoughts, reactions, or advice at all, please provide it in the form. You should have already commented on your own work, so you can skip your work on the form below.

This one should take some time to fill out. You can access the form below or AT THIS LINK.

If you prefer to take your time or do the work locally to avoid running out of time or losing your work, you can download a Word document version HERE. You can also view the logos in that same folder.

Photoshop Review/Advertisement

Your job here is simple. Make me an advertisement (designed for PRINT – although you do NOT have to print it) for some product/service/band/sports team, etc. that you are interested in.

Although you could do this in Illustrator or Indesign, for this, you should use Photoshop.

The ad needs to have one or more images

The ad needs to have one or more block of text.

The ad needs to be creative and interesting.

Other than that, the rest is up to you! Make an advertisement about something you’re interested in. I want the ad to tell me why this thing/person/event means something to you. Get me as interested and excited as you are!

Try to think about an advertisement’s purpose. Where do you see them? What should they do? If I place this ad in a magazine or newspaper, what am I hoping will happen? Those are some thoughts to consider.

You can (and probably should) look at some examples of PRINT advertisements. Online ads can be different, so make sure you are considering that this is designed for print. I have some magazines that you can flip through if you need inspiration, or you could look for some samples online.

Set up your ad to be 8.5″ x 11″ (or 11 x 8.5 if you want to be creative and different.) Resolution needs to be 300 pixels/inch. Since this is designed for print, the colour space should be CMYK.

Make sure you are using HIGH QUALITY images/assets. Use sites like Unsplash, The Noun Project, or perhaps Brands of the World for high quality elements. If you absolutely need to use Google Images, make sure you know how to find LARGE images. This post could help if you need some information/review.

Make sure you know how to PLACE EMBEDDED when you add images to your file. If they aren’t embedded, you will run into problems!

If you need some help getting started with Photoshop, please check out some of the following links:

Photoshop for Beginners

Adobe Learn

Get to Know the App

Get to Know Layers

Get to Know Selections

Add Text and Shapes to a Photo


Along with your advertisement file (named FirstAd or ConcertAd, etc. Anything untitled or unnamed won’t be opened!), you will hand in a reflection. I’d recommend creating a Word document and calling it AdReflection, or something like that. If you know InDesign or some other way of doing the reflection, that’s fine. If writing isn’t your thing and you’d rather just talk about your work, come see me at lunch.

Reflection questions:

  1. What does a “good” advertisement have/do? How do you know if an ad is “good”?
  2. What did you do that is “good”? What do you like about your ad? What are you proud of?
  3. What do you think could be improved on your ad? What could you have done better? If you had to do it again, what would you change?

Put some thought into those questions and explain yourself well for full marks! If it’s really short or not in full sentences, you won’t get full marks. This isn’t a writing class, so spelling and grammar and all of that stuff don’t really count, but they always help to make you look more intelligent.

First Logo Design

One of the most common jobs for a graphic designer is to come up with a company/organization’s logo. Once a business has a good logo, they can use it to help build their business, and a good logo can go a long way toward building brand recognition and helping to get the word out about a product or service.

But what is a logo and why is it so important?

There are different types of logos as well. Some are more detailed and descriptive, and some are extremely simple.

If you want to see samples of logos for inspiration, I recommend looking at Brands of the World.

If you want more logo design tips, I like this video as well:

If you already know how to use Illustrator, or if you think you can pick it up very quickly, this tutorial is very quick, but might be a good reminder/start: Combine shapes to build a logo.

Here’s another excellent tutorial on how to create a logo

More in-depth instructions for beginners:


For a good overview, click on Help, and go to Illustrator Help…

Click on Discover how Illustrator artwork is unique

There are many more tutorials that will help you to get to know the program. You can access those from the Help menu, then go into Tutorials…

If you’re looking for a good one to help you get started, click the link below:

Get to know Illustrator tutorial

Once you’ve done that, or if you don’t think you need it, you can explore the other tutorials on the left hand side

Westwood Welcome Sticker!

Here’s your chance to design a semi-permanent part of Westwood Collegiate!

If you ever walk through our front doors, when you walked past this:

I hope you missed this:

Some jerk carved something into the metal. It’s nothing offensive, just annoying and stupid. It bugs us. We need to cover it up.

The panel is 23 inches wide, 10 inches tall.

We need a creative, interesting sticker that we can put in that spot. That’s where you come in!

How would you welcome people into our school? What kinds of words and images would you want there? Is there a quote or message that would fit? The obvious answer would be to put a Westwood logo there or something, but there’s already one on the window right above!

I DON’T KNOW! But hopefully you do!

Use Illustrator to design a sticker that could be cut out and put in that spot! You should probably use our school colours somewhere on there. They are:

Maroon : 9f1c36
Grey : 939598

I asked previous grade 10s, 11s, and 12s to come up with something.

One of them clearly isn’t the right colour:

The other is nice, and the right colour, but not all that interesting:

This one, I like A LOT:

Here’s your chance to prove that you’re more creative the last crop of students who have attempted this! Come up with something that we could use in the front of the school. Remember that it has to look somewhat classy and intelligent. Our whole community can see this. Our administrators have to like it in order for us to put it up.

Come up with a design and your creativity could literally be part of the school for years to come!

Additional Yearbook Pages

Your next task is to add some more creative pages to your yearbook document. The pages you design could end up in the actual yearbook this year!

Please read all of these instructions carefully and ASK FOR HELP if something is unclear! You have a lot of flexibility to be as creative as you want, but there are some things that you need to include, so pay attention to the instructions.

Look through those past yearbooks that I provided in the Hand Out folder (or click HERE) or grab a few books off of the cart in the classroom for some inspiration and ideas. Your job is not to copy me or any previous books/pages, but you could see how these things have been done in the past. Note/remember that different pages have different backgrounds and designs/themes, so be creative and make your pages look great and unique.


Each section has a divider page that introduces the content and contains some pictures that would fit in that section. You need to create AT LEAST one divider page.


  • Academics
  • Arts
  • Athletics
  • Clubs
  • Graduates (or Class of 2024)
  • Portraits
  • Special Events


And then there are pages for specific special programs, clubs, and events. These pages make up most of the book. Sometimes an event/group/topic takes up half a page, sometimes one page or a spread, or an event with lots of photos might even make up more than two pages or more than one spread.

We don’t have all of the photos and information to put in the finished yearbook yet, so you’ll have to find some of your own content. If you would like to try to use photos of an actual event from this year, just ask me and I may be able to help.

You don’t need to use actual photos though! This is your chance to be creative and have fun, so feel free to just make stuff up!

Often, events/themes will have some text placed in. For example, pages for our sports teams usually have a writeup, and a lot of clubs and events do as well. I don’t yet have the actual writeups for this year to add to your pages, so you could place in a document from a different event/club that I’ve used in years past. You can find those in the Hand Out folder, or CLICK HERE.

Feel free to add more pages and add more content for a better mark.

Have fun with this. I look forward to seeing your creative designs!

REMEMBER: You absolutely, positively, definitely need to PACKAGE your file to hand it in. You’ll have a lot of files linked and without those, your pages will not look good.


Adding Portraits and Names

Make sure you’ve carefully followed the first two sets of instructions and have your pages set up correctly!

Before you start, I HIGHLY recommend making an untouched copy of the pages that you have set up. I keep untouched template pages at the bottom of my document all the way along until I reach the end. This way, if I need to add more pages, I don’t need to delete all of the content, I always have a blank template to work from

If you double click on two page numbers in the Pages panel, you can select the spread (both pages)

You can then right-click to duplicate the Spread

Do this as many times as you like! It’s easy to delete extra spreads & pages later


You will need a list of names and the image files. Get them FROM HERE (or look in the Handout folder.) For this part, you want the portraits folder. Download those and put them in your Yearbook folder. You can download them all at once with the .zip file

FYI, a .zip file is a bunch of files combined together to make it easier to download, share, send, etc. You need to unzip those files before you can use them.

If you’re having a great deal of difficulty downloading or unzipping the files, ask me nicely and I may drop them on your desktop!

Download the file:

If you double click that file on a school computer, it will open in a program called 7zip. You need to EXTRACT the files

It will default to wherever you put the .zip file, most likely your Downloads folder.

You can move your files into the right spot right away by clicking the 3 dots to choose where to extract the files, or just move them later

I will browse and extract into my yearbook folder (again, you could just move the files there later.)

You should now see a folder with the individual files in it. You can now open or work with those.

One more reminder, DON’T LEAVE THE FILES IN YOUR DOWNLOADS FOLDER! Move them into your Yearbook folder if you haven’t already.


You’ll need to put that list of names into the text boxes. You could copy and paste each one into a separate box, which might be easier, but it’s VERY time consuming and VERY difficult to fix if you make a mistake OR you can get InDesign to fill the boxes for you! The right way will take a little more setup, but it might save you some hassle later.


Right now each box is separate, but you can link them together so text can flow from box to box. On the right edge of any text frame, there’s a white square in the middle.

If you press that, you can create a link (notice the chain) and click on another box to link them together.

Keep linking the boxes all the way across. When you get to the last one in the row, link it to the next row below.

Keep going until you get to the very last one on your second page.

In the end, all of the grey boxes you see below will be linked:

or perhaps you chose this configuration:

Make sure you have the Selection Tool (v) selected. Click off of your page to make sure that nothing is selected. Go to File/Place, or Ctrl + D and find the list of names that you should have in your Yearbook folder

Here’s a tip that could save you some trouble later:

See that button that says “Show Import Options”? Turn that ON

If you turn that on, another window will pop up. Look for the section about Extra Carriage Returns and make sure  those options are turned OFF

Press OK when your window looks like this:

That will make sure that all of the names go on individual lines. If you don’t do that, you’ll have to do some editing later…


Once you select that text file, you will see text attached to your cursor.

You can link text frames together by holding ALT on your keyboard

(you are holding down ALT, right?)

Go click on the first text box:

Keep holding ALT

Keep clicking text frames to link them together. Do this until you have linked/clicked all of the Text frames on 2 spreads/4 pages!

Then let go of ALT


After you do this, you may notice something odd… they appear to be empty!

Here’s something that might help. It’s optional, but recommended.

Go into the View menu, then Extras, and turn on Show Text Threads (or press Ctrl + Alt + y)

those little pink triangles between the grey text frames indicate that each frame is linked to the one next to it. You should see a line connecting the last text frame on one line to the first frame on the next line:

and between pages on the spread, there’s a line that runs from the bottom right on the left page to the top left on the next page

You need about 3.5 pages per grade, so you should link one spread to the next:

In the end, I have something like this:

If you chose to have the names on the side, it would look like this:


So where’s all the text? I thought we Placed it in there!

Well, we did! It’s just too big!

Switch to the Type tool (press t) and click inside of one of the text frames, then Ctrl + a to select all of the text in there

My default text is 13 pt. That’s too big.

I’ll choose a font that looks good to me and bring the size down (choose your own font, don’t copy me!)

And all of a sudden I see that there’s text in there!

But it looks awful! Look how some letters are all spread apart:


On my Properties panel (or at the top of the screen if you’re in the Essentials Classic workspace), find the Alignment options (you could also open the Paragraph panel by looking under the Window menu, then Type & Tables OR just press Ctrl + Alt + T)

Right now, my text is on Justify, which means that it’ll be flush against the left and right margin:

That works if you’re writing a book or magazine, but for this, having text that’s centred would look much better

See! It looks WAY better!


If you’ve linked all of your boxes correctly, you should see text in all of the boxes on 3 pages:


If you’ve chosen the layout with the names on the side, you’ll have to do some adjusting.

Switch to the Type tool (t) and click inside of one of the text frames. Ctrl + a to select everything.

My default text again was way too big

But when I made it smaller, the lines were spaced really far apart:

I need to adjust something called Leading, which is the space between the lines. Usually, switching it to Auto is good enough:

The thing is, you have to adjust your text so that EXACTLY 7 lines appear in each box (unless you changed your layout and have 6 or 8 photos in each row

My settings look like this. You want to choose your own font, colour, size, etc. but again, make sure you have just enough names for the number of photos in each row!

This looks much better:


Remember that optional step that I mentioned a while back where I had you turn on Show Import Options?

If you missed it, you may see more than one name/word in a row:

All of these Pokemon have just one name/one word. If you missed that earlier step, you may have to go into the boxes and press Enter wherever you see more than one word/name.

Your names should look like this:


If your text still doesn’t look good, click inside of a text frame, press Ctrl + a to select everything, then  go to your Properties panel. Change the font, colour, size, spacing, alignment, etc. until it looks good to you!

Just make sure they fit properly in the boxes! You may need to adjust the sizing/spacing to ensure that one name/word appears per line if the names are on the side and one name/word per box if you have the names underneath!


I’ve made things easy for you and given you names and images of Pokemon. Most of the names are just one word and most are pretty short, so you should have no trouble fitting them into the frames.

But when doing the actual yearbook with people’s names, due to the limited space in those boxes and the long names that some students have, you will almost certainly need text on two lines. When I’m doing the yearbook, I hit enter between the first person’s first and last names


Here’s one of those cool InDesign tricks that will save you a lot of time later. This part is optional, but helpful:

Open the Paragraph Styles panel (Window/Styles/Paragraph Styles)

I use that one all of the time, so I added it to my icons on the right hand side. Drag that panel into that strip and you can open it from there any time.

If you double click the name of that paragraph style, you can rename it and make changes to it. I’ll name mine “portrait names”

and if you wanted to, you could make any change to the style and all of the text that has that style applied will be changed.

If you select all of your text (put your cursor into any text box and press Ctrl + A) then press that new style, all of the text will have the exact same formatting. This comes in handy if you’re doing other pages of the yearbook and want the text to look the same.


This section may not apply to this particular project/version, but it’s important information:

As mentioned earlier, in the actual yearbook, all names should be on two lines. Unfortunately, you have to go name by name and hit enter (there’s probably an easier way, but I don’t know what it is. Let me know if you can find out!)

As I’m going through, I notice a big problem with some names that are really long

Lucia’s name does not fit properly even on two lines. If hers is like that, there are bound to be others. I’ll try adjusting the style for just her name and making it a bit smaller

That still isn’t enough in Lucia’s case. Sometimes, you have to adjust just one name. If you highlight text and don’t adjust the Paragraph Style, you can add other characteristics to just that highlighted text. Obviously, I could try a smaller font for her name, but that can stand out if the size of one name is obviously smaller than the others.

In order to avoid that, I’ll highlight Lucia’s name and go into my Properties panel:

At the bottom right of the Character section, there are three dots that will open up more options:

There are some other things you can try if you need to make text fit in a smaller space.

One is Tracking, which will pull the letters closer together and get rid of some of the space between. This can make text harder to read.

Another is Horizontal Scale, which makes the letters themselves narrower. Again, getting too carried away will distort the text and make it harder to read.

Lucia’s name now fits better

If you look in the Paragraph Styles panel, you’ll notice a plus sign, which indicates that the style has been modified for this text

This looks MUCH better:



Next, we put the pictures in. (don’t worry, that’s much easier!)

First, make sure you SAVE your work if you haven’t done so lately!

Select the first frame:

Go to File/Place or Ctrl + D and find that folder. Select the first photo. The files should have the exact same name as you see in the Text frame:

(note, for this, you can turn OFF



These photos aren’t really going to fit properly, so you may have to adjust the Frame Fitting Options

If you select the frame (or the image inside of the frame) you can adjust the Frame Fitting options on your Properties panel:

Or if you’re using the Essentials Classic workspace, you’ll likely see those options at the top of the window as well:

You can choose either of the first two options, but I usually use the first one to Fill Frame Proportionally


if you run across any that look really goofy, you should click on that centre donut and move the image up or down in the frame so it looks better:

Keep placing those in the frames until you fill the page. You can do this one at a time…


You can load multiple images to place.

Click onto a blank spot to deselect any frames

Go to File/Place or Ctrl + d

Click on the first one you want to load/Place. Hold Shift on your keyboard and select one farther down:

Once you’ve selected a range of images, you’ll see them with a blue border and you’ll see a bunch of names in the File Name box at the bottom. Click Open

The loaded image will look a little different and it’ll have the number of images that you’ve loaded. Just go click on the first box to place the first image:

Continue clicking the Frames in order to place the images in order!


In the end, I have something like this:


If you want to be picky (and I like picky), you might notice that some of the images are cut off a bit and they don’t look ideal:

I don’t like how that one sits.

You could either click the donut to grab the image inside of the frame (or double click on the image) and move it around

Or you could adjust those Frame Fitting options so that all of the image is displayed. This means that the frame won’t necessarily be filled, but all of the image will fit:

One other picky thing that I notice is that when I turn my background layer back on, the bright background is making the transparent images a bit harder to see:

You could try turning down the Opacity of the background layer to fade it out a bit. Select it in your Layers panel:

and turn down the Opacity on the Properties panel:

That looks a bit better:

Another way to fix the problem would be to add a Fill to the photo frames:

I locked my background layer, switched to the Selection tool, then dragged a box over all of my photo frames to select them:

Then, on the properties panel, I just added a Fill colour to the photo frames.


Of course, for the real yearbook, we basically repeat the process to add pages for grades 9, 10, 11, and 12, and add a spread for staff photos!


Once you have the frames filled and everything looks good, you can SAVE your work and the hardest pages are done!

If for some reason you don’t have everything in one Yearbook folder (ahem, why not?), you will need to Package your file from time to time to make sure you don’t lose any pieces.