Additional Yearbook Pages

Your next task is to fill in the rest of the empty pages in your yearbook document. The pages you design could end up in the actual yearbook this year!

Please read all of these instructions carefully and ASK FOR HELP if something is unclear! You have a lot of flexibility to be as creative as you want, but there are some things that you need to include, so pay attention to the instructions.

Look through those past yearbooks that I provided online (HERE) or grab a few books off of the cart in the classroom for some inspiration and ideas. Your job is not to copy me or any previous books/pages, but you could see how these things have been done in the past. Note/remember that different pages have different backgrounds and designs/themes, so be creative and make your pages look great and unique.

The first page is usually either a title page or an index. You could make either one on your first page.

Sample pages HERE

The yearbook is divided into sections. Each section has a divider page that introduces the content and contains some pictures that would fit in that section. You need to create AT LEAST one divider page.


  • Academics
  • Arts
  • Athletics
  • Clubs
  • Graduates (or Class of 2023)
  • Portraits
  • Special Events

And then there are pages for special programs, clubs, and events. These pages make up most of the book. Sometimes an event/group/topic takes up half a page, sometimes one page or a spread, or an event with lots of photos might even make up more than two pages or more than one spread.

You can choose your page content by looking at the photos that we’ve collected so far this year.  Photos HERE. At least one of your events/themes should have some text placed in. As you can see in the samples, pages for our sports teams usually have a writeup, and a lot of clubs and events do as well. I don’t yet have the actual writeups for this year to add to your pages, so place in a document from a different event/club that I’ve used in years past. You can find those HERE.

Feel free to add more pages and add more content for a better mark.

Have fun with this. I look forward to seeing your creative designs!

REMEMBER: You absolutely, positively, definitely need to PACKAGE your file to hand it in. You’ll have a lot of files linked and without those, your pages will not look good.


Tell Mr. Robson what's on your mind!