Underground to Canada Freeze Frame

A freeze frame is a frozen scene from the novel. Basically, you and your group will act out a scene from the novel but most of the time you will not be moving.

At the start of your scene, you will be frozen in time. The rest of us will try to guess what is happening. You will stay frozen for exactly 10 seconds.

Then you wil move and act out 10 seconds with NO TALKING.

Then you will freeze your scene again for another 10 seconds.

You will have to go through the book and pick a scene that is significant to the story. Sorry, no “sleeping” scene… You need to find the chapter and page # and explain why you think this scene is important.

NOTE: ONLY ONE GROUP PER SCENE! Tell Mr. Robson right away when you decide on a scene before someone else takes it.

Each person in your group must have a role in the scene, but not everyone needs to play a person. You’ll need to give me a list of the people in your group and their roles before you present. You may include extra props if you wish, but it shouldn’t be necessary.

I’m hoping to present these on Friday morning, periods 1 & 2.

Choose your group and your scene WISELY!

You will need to hand in a document with all of the following information:

  • chapter
  • page #
  • description of the scene in the book
  • why is the scene important to the story?
  • a list of all of the people in your scene and their roles
  • any props you’ll need/include


Tell Mr. Robson what's on your mind!