Bell Media Field Trip Assignment

As mentioned in class, your job is to create a radio piece based on what you learned/saw on our field trip this week. The nature of the piece can be up to you, but it is NOT like writing an essay, and it’s NOT ABOUT YOU, it’s about the stations. Your piece can be more like a news story or a documentary. It must include well researched FACTS and AUDIO CLIPS from our tour, as well as your voice explaining it all.

In a previous post, I explained some of the things that you were to research before the tour. If you didn’t have a chance to do so, please look at the list of things that I suggested and include those kinds of facts and information.

Also please remember that you will have to compare the stations next week, so putting together a piece about the stations we’ve already visited will help prevent you from forgetting/mixing up details next week.

link to tour audio – download to your computer and open from there!


Tell Mr. Robson what's on your mind!