Psychology (2016-17)

Psychology is the scientific study of behaviour and mental processes. It uses the scientific method to discover ways of understanding the complexities of human thought and behavior, as well as differences among people. Studying psychology gives students lifelong skills such as dealing with issues proactively, solving problems, learning, and nurturing healthy relationships. It helps students understand themselves and deal with issues in their own lives such as inner conflicts, relationships with parents and peers, and intimacy. It also helps students understand societal problems like addiction, violence, and prejudice. This course exposes students to the major topics found in the field of psychology. It also emphasizes the issues that are of particular direct interest and relevance to students completing high school. Students explore the scientific methods upon which psychology is based. They can then apply what they learned to their daily lives.

Course Outline


Classroom Seating Psychology (2 parts)

Colour Your World (2 parts)

Goal Setting (3 parts)

Student Profile

Research Assignment

Milgram Obedience study questions

Stanford Prison questions

Unit 1 Test: October 14

Your Brain While Driving (quiz)

Maslow Hierarchy quiz

Consumer Psychology project

Emotions Assignment

Unit 2 Test

Twinsters questions

Nature vs. Nurture Assignment

Schedules of Reinforcement

Learning Review Assignment

XS Stress questions & follow up

Mental Health & Stress questions

Mental Illness Project

Goal Setting Reflection