Hopefully our previous work on creating perfect paragraphs helped you to see how they should look. If not, take a look back at our Halloween example.
Now, we’re going to take that idea a little further and create THREE paragraphs, linked together to help prove ONE point.
You’ll need to come up with a strong opinion that has at least 3 reasons that you can explain to help prove your point. Choose a topic that you are passionate about and have some strong opinions about, like your very favorite show, movie, music, etc.
You’ll have to make sure that you have some reasons that you can explain, so come up with an opinion and 3 or more reasons that help prove your point. Come up with a few possible topics so that you can choose the very best one.
Here are some examples:
Pizza is the best food on Earth
4 food groups – full meal
Disney World is the very best vacation spot
Visit different countries/experiences
Something for everyone
Travel is the best experience
See new things
Learn about different ways of life/customs
Eat new foods
Meet new people
Dogs make the best pets