November 5 Assignment Updates

Today we will be beginning our composition project presentations.

Your job was to take one of the composition concepts, research it, explain it, and create some sort of notes/explanation IN YOUR OWN WORDS.

  • You should have listed the sources of information you consulted.
  • You should have found photos online that demonstrate your concept, and each one should have a link to its source.
  • You should also have taken your own example photos.
  • You should be prepared to explain/demonstrate your concept to the class

I am also increasingly frustrated with the inability of some of you to complete and hand in assignments. Our school offers a wonderful after school “Homework Club,” which I am going to start inviting people to. If your assignments are not coming in STARTING TODAY, you will be expected to take part in that after school opportunity.

You have some time to work on these things before we begin our presentations. If you have questions or need help NOW is the time. DO NOT waste this time.

Tell Mr. Robson what's on your mind!