News Story Assignment

After completing the Pledge-O-Rama news piece, it’s your turn to put those skills to work. Create another news piece, approximately 2 minutes in length.

Choose an event or organization that you can research easily (and right away.) The simplest would be to choose a topic within the school.

You could choose a school event (school calendar) (school announcements), a school group, or a school team (sports calendar). Like our UMFM interview, you’ll need to find someone in charge or heavily involved in the event, group, team, etc. You will have to come up with some interview questions which will help you gather the information for your story. You will have to interview the person and record that for use in your piece.

Again you want to focus on the main facts (think of the 5 Ws and an H – who, what, when, where, why, how.) Again you want to be careful NOT to voice an opinion yourself – your job is strictly to present the facts – the listener can form an opinion based on that.

You need to write a script for me to look over and to keep your facts straight for presentation. You will likely need to practice that script a few times to make sure that you can read it naturally (don’t let the listener know that you’re reading.) You want to record this in a quiet place and sound serious and professional. (*note: you COULD – but don’t have to – record some background sounds to add into your piece to make it really come alive. ie if you are interviewing a volleyball coach, why not record a bit of one of their practices or games to insert into your piece. It will sound much more interesting and I will be glad to give you bonus marks for the extra effort.

News pieces typically do not have music.



Tell Mr. Robson what's on your mind!