Today we talked about ISO settings. For more information, please visit the following useful sources of information:

Photography Life

Digital Photography School

Today’s task:

Switch your camera to child or portrait mode. Set up a photo of a person/object with good light. Take 3 photos – 100, 800, 3200/hi. POST on FLICKR. Explain what changing the ISO did to the picture. Add a link to your pictures by commenting on this post!


Task #2:

Describe a situation where you’d have to change ISO – what setting/situation would you want to use a low ISO (100/200) and what setting/situation would you want to use a high ISO (3200/hi). Find a photo on Flickr (NOT GOOGLE IMAGES) for each situation. Make sure that you have a link to the source! Post your answer here in the form of a comment.


Tell Mr. Robson what's on your mind!