Interactive Websites & Web Design 35 (S2 2016)

Do you like surfing the web? Ever imagined making your own website? This course will focus on an in-depth study of web design concepts including:

– Site & Page Design
– Javascript Modules

– Interactive Web Elements (rollovers, scripts, forms) – Content management systems (CMS)
– Site Publishing and Management – Dreamweaver

Outline: IWWD_outline


“Good” Website & Website project #1

HTML Tutorials & Challenges

Challenge 1 (Chapter 3)

Challenge 2 (Chapter 4)

Challenge 3 (Chapter 5 – Creating Links)

Challenge 4 (Chapter 6 – Creating Lists)

Challenge 5 (Chapter 7 – Styling)

Term 1 major assignment: HTML_SiteAssignment (DUE by April 15 at the latest!)

CSS Tutorials & Labs

Interactive Websites

Edge Animate Tutorial 1

Edge Animate Tutorial 2

Finishing your Site


Fundamentals (good overview with fun exercises)

Web Uses (more specific to building your site and making it interactive)