Generals Die In Bed Chapter 3: Out on Rest

Please answer all of the following questions thoughtfully in complete sentences. Make reference to the book WITH PAGE NUMBERS as often as possible.

Chapter 3 – Out on Rest

Please answer all of the following questions thoughtfully in complete sentences. Make reference to the book WITH PAGE NUMBERS as often as possible.

  1. What does it actually mean to be ‘out on rest’? Yeah, there’s an obvious answer, but what are the men actually doing while they’re “on rest?” Illustrate with quotes from the book and explain how they feel about this “rest.”
  2. What is your personal impression of Clark as an officer/leader so far? What kinds of things does he do to give you that impression? (again, use proof from the book and explain what you/the men think about him.)
  3. “We have learned who our enemies are – the lice, some of our officers and Death.” Are you surprised the author makes no mention of the Germans as enemies? Why/why not? Why are these things the “real” enemies?


Lorry – truck

Foible – personal fault

Moujik – Russian peasant

Puttees – military leggings

Estaminet – little French cafe


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