Generals Die In Bed Chapter 2: In the Trenches

Generals Die In Bed Chapter 2: In the Trenches

Please answer all of the following questions thoughtfully in complete sentences. Make reference to the book WITH PAGE NUMBERS as often as possible.

  1. How has the setting changed from the first chapter? (include as many details from the chapter as possible – look on more than one page!)
  2. “Keep your gun covered with a rubber sheet! No smoking!” (p.8) Why do you think the sergeant gives his men these warnings? What would each warning do to protect/help the men?
  3. “I remember with a cold feeling that it was fat.” When the protagonist encounters a rat (p. 11) why is he so interested in its size? What does this observation mean?
  4. Explain the effects that artillery bombardment has on a soldier’s body.
  5. Choose a scene/event/description or character from the chapter that is most powerful to you. Tell me about that scene/event/description or character and explain why you chose this. Why is it most interesting/effective/powerful to you?

Tell Mr. Robson what's on your mind!