Please answer all of the following questions thoughtfully in complete sentences. Make reference to the book WITH PAGE NUMBERS as often as possible.
- What is the setting of the novel? (provide as many details of the time and place as you can gather from the chapter. Yes, we know when the war took place from previous discussions and the introduction, but what details does the author provide that show us when & where this took place?)
- How does the city treat the soldiers as they leave? What does this treatment suggest about Canadian attitudes toward The Great War at its outbreak?
- Why is Anderson so disliked by the other soldiers?
- On page 5, our protagonist meets a girl, and he says that “She is the last link between what I am leaving and the war.” What does he mean by this? Why is meeting this stranger so significant for him? It seems to have an effect on him. Why?
- There are lots of unfamiliar words and phrases in the book. Find an example of something new or unfamiliar and figure out what the unfamiliar word/phrase means. Write down the original sentence, with a page number, and then write out a version of the sentence where you replace the unfamiliar term with a different word or phrase that works in that context.Ex: “Some of us are green under the gills.” (p. 6) Could be rewritten as, “Some of us are nauseous and sick to our stomachs.”