Design Principle 2: Repetition

First, make sure you understand how to effectively use contrast. Review the last assignment if you aren’t sure.

Here’s a good review of Contrast, and a look at the next principle, Repetition (stop at 3:46 for today. You don’t need to worry about the other two elements yet):

Just like Contrast, Repetition can be used in different ways. You can repeat colours, fonts, shapes, design elements, layout styles, and more. You will once again try to incorporate at least 3 different types of repetition. Also, keep Contrast in mind and use Contrasting styles and elements effectively.

Here’s your task:

Congratulations! You’ve just opened a brand new restaurant. Now, to design the menu! Use Repetition and Contrast when you’re creating it to make it look great, and to help draw attention to or away from elements.

When you are done, you will also include a reflection that explains how you used repetition. Mention at least 3 repeating elements and how they help your design.

Use InDesign to create this. Set up your page like this:

5.25 inches wide

8 inches tall

4 pages (turn on Facing Pages)

Bleed: .125 inch

Or you can set it up like the page below:

You’ll need to adjust the layout of your pages so we can print this out later.

When you create your document, your pages will look like this:

You need to go into the three stripes at the top right of the Pages panel and TURN OFF “Allow Document Pages to Shuffle” but LEAVE ON “Allow Selected Spread to Shuffle.”

Drag page 4 so it is RIGHT BESIDE page 1. Pages should renumber and look like this:

When printed, your pages will appear like this:

So keep in mind that the front of your menu is on page 2 and the back is page 1.

Once you set up your document SAVE IT IN ONEDRIVE (and of course, make sure OneDrive is running on your computer!)

To make life easier, you can leave out the prices and just list the items you’ll sell. Believe me, if you want to list prices, you’ll probably do it wrong and I’ll probably lose my mind. We’ll get into that later…

A restaurant menu usually has a few different categories:

  • Appetizers
  • Main Course
  • Side Dishes
  • Dessert
  • Drinks

Use design elements (shapes, images, icons, colour, etc.) to separate the categories. Make a list of what you’d serve at your restaurant. Have fun with it!

Make it look IMPRESSIVE and PROFESSIONAL. No more goofy clip art. Find HIGH QUALITY photos from Unsplash if you can. Use icons from The Noun Project if you’d like.

Here are some samples that I like:

Tell Mr. Robson what's on your mind!