2D Animation & 3D Modelling 35S (S1 2013)

This will introduce students to 3-D modeling and 2-D Animation. Students will learn how to build 3-D models using Blender. The second portion will teach students to use Adobe Flash to create 2 dimensional animations. Projects produced will include:

– Basic Tweening
– Motion Path Animation
– Shape Tweening
– Working with movie clip symbols

– Basic Action Script features – Animated Music Videos
– Animated Short Stories

Assignments & Exercises:

History of Animation PowToon (Sept. 4)

Exercise 1 – Basic Flash file setup (Sept. 9)

Exercise 2 – Animated Bouncing Ball (Sept. 13) / Intro to Action Script (Sept. 16)

Flash Assignment 1 (Sept. 16) (Samples)

Exercise 3 – Drawing Tools (Sept. 24)

Exercise 4 – Text Tweens (Sept. 26) (find the “getting started videos” and watch 6 ShapeTweening&Hints.mov to learn how to do these)

Exercise 5 – Falling Leaves (Sept. 26), managing library, tweening,

Assignment 2 – Greeting Card (Sept 30)

Assignment 3 – Motion Path Animation (Oct. 3) Instructions: assignment3

Exercise 6 – Inverse Kinematics/Bone Tool (Oct. 7)

Assignment 4 – Getting Interesting & Interactive (Oct. 8)

Exercise 7 – More Tools for Tweening Text (Oct. 15)

Ex. 8 – Puzzle (Oct. 16)

Ex. 9 – Morph Text (Oct. 17)

Animation Project (Oct. 21)

Ex. 10 – Movie Clips (Oct. 31).

Assignment 5: assignment5

Ex. 11 – Intro to Action Script (MouseMaze).

assignment6 (Action Script)

Sketchup (3D intro) (Dec. 2)

Tinkercad (Dec. 12)

Maya – Introduction & Assignment (Dec. 17)

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