Web Site Setup 3: Posts

The new stuff that I add to my teacher site (your project instructions, for example) comes in the form of a POST.  My posts look like this: http://www.misterjrobson.com/blog/

Those POSTS stay there and don’t change either, but new stuff gets added and the newest posts appear at the top of the page so you don’t always have to scroll through a bunch of stuff that you’ve already seen.

Let’s create your first post! Click on Posts:

You’ll see that there’s one Sample Post already there. Let’s just Trash that one and add our own:

Each project from here on will have its own post explaining your work. Each time you finish a project, you’ll go to Add New and create a new post with title being the name of the project that you’re posting

Each time you make a post, you have the opportunity to organize your posts into categories. On my teacher site, I have a different category for each of my classes, so that different classes see different content, and you Computer Literacy folks don’t have to scroll through the stuff for my LA or SS classes.

By default, your posts are in the category of Uncategorized. YUCK! Never leave a post Uncategorized!

You want to Add New Category to create the correct one:

Call it ICT Projects or something like that:

And then, most importantly, ALWAYS check your posts to make sure that they are properly categorized! Never post anything Uncategorized, because it means DISORGANIZED, and we don’t want that at all!

To post your work, OPEN the file! Start with your trading card. Once it’s open, make sure that you zoom out so that you can see your entire card. I like to go under View and choose One Page:

Now make sure that you can see your entire card.

You’re going to use a program called Greenshot to take a picture of your work. Greenshot should already be running on your computer. All you should have to do is press Print Screen, and a crosshairs should show up. You place that crosshairs at a corner of your work, CLICK and DRAG a box around whatever you want to take the picture of, and then save the file.

To add it to your site, click Add Media

Then Upload Files

Then either drop your file onto the page or click Select Files and browse for the picture you want to place into your post.

Once it’s done uploading, you should automatically see it in your Media Library

There are some options you can change if you wish, including the Title and the Attachment Display Settings:

When you’ve got your settings the way you want them, click Insert Into Post:

Then, down below, you will write a bit about your project:

Every time you post a new project, you will answer 3 questions:

1) Describe the project. Tell me about what you were supposed to create, what was supposed to be included, and what new things you might have had to learn/do.

2) What do you like about your work? What are you most proud of? Come on, celebrate your achievements! If you aren’t proud of your work, FIX IT so that you are! Explain why you like your work or what stands out as looking most interesting/impressive.

3) No matter how great your work is, there’s something that COULD be better. If you had all of the time in the world or if you had to do this project again for whatever reason, what would you try to do better? There must be something! If you say “Nothing” that will also describe the mark that you will get for this question!


Once again check and make sure that your post is going in the right Category, then click Publish and you’re done!




Before dropping this off, make sure that you’ve included everything you need on your site. Below is the rubric for the assignment. Make sure that you have done all of the following:

Theme changed from default /1
Title/Tagline are set and appropriate /1
“Widgets” have been modified to remove/hide useless sections (meta, recent comments, etc.) /1
Home page created and properly named /1
Changed so that site opens to a Static Front Page (welcome page) /1
Site purpose complete /1
Hyperlink created  /1
Properly inserted Unsplash creative commons photos with attribution information /1
Trading Card post created and filled out /1
Created descriptive/useful post category/categories /1
DEDUCTION: Sample Page or Post still there
BONUS: Extra effort/extra widgets/goodies included

Design & Planning:
Chose and Applied Effective and Appropriate Theme /1
Chose descriptive and appropriate Title/Tagline /2
Welcome page provides an effective and appropriate welcome to the site – reflects purpose /3
Found effective images and inserted appropriately /1
Site is organized and attractive looking /3
BONUS: Extra appeal/WOW

Once you’ve done all of that, you are ready to drop off a link to your site. Please follow these directions:

Before leaving your site, make sure that you are looking at the front of your webpage. The address should look something like this : http://jrobson2023.edublogs.org/

There should be nothing after the .org other than a slash. If you see anything else there, click on your site identity to get back to your landing page. Click on the address of your site  and copy it (either right click and Copy or press Ctrl and C on your keyboard.

Once you’ve copied the address of your site:

Log in to OneDrive


Click on the folder with your name

Once you are in your folder, click on + New near the top of your screen. Select Link

You can create and edit Links directly inside of OneDrive. Best of all, they save automatically and they’re already in your OneDrive folder, so you can’t really lose them.

A new box will open.

Paste the address of your site into that box

You should now see a link to your site, with the extension .url in your hand in folder. I will go check your site and will surely be impressed!

Tell Mr. Robson what's on your mind!