Product Mockups


When designing for a client, you often have to give them an idea how your design is going to look on different products and in different situations. Sometimes you’re suggesting or actually designing products that the client can buy or even sell. Plus, it helps you to see how your design is going to work in different places.

So often you’re creating something called a mockup. Sometimes you’ll have to create the mockup yourself by using your mad Photoshop skills, but luckily there are tools that you can use to make that job really easy.

Finding yourself some good templates can make your life much easier, and there are a LOT of them available for free online. Just search for Photoshop mockup and see what comes up. There are also a lot of graphic design sites that provide templates and tutorials as well. One that I like a lot is called Makerbook, and they have links to some great sources:

Using a mix of those pre-made templates and some of your own mad skills, I want you to come up with at least 3 different product mockups. Make them products that would actually make sense for that client to use (so a team would be more likely to sell clothing, the cafeteria could use some mugs, etc.) At least 1 of the mockups must be your own creation (not a pre-made template.) Consider looking at a tutorial and then applying those skills though.

For example, in the past I’ve used a tutorial like this: and then ‘painted’ it onto an object instead of a face.

Important note: Often you’ll need to CHANGE or ADAPT or ADD TO your logo in order to make it work in some places. The soccer logo in my examples work fairly well there, but wouldn’t work as well as the main image in the middle of a t-shirt (it looks more for a smaller crest), so it may need to be changed a bit to fit a situation like that. That’s also part of your job.


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