New task/challenge. Rewards for your participation…


The radio station that I work for does an annual fall funding drive. This year we’ve got a bit of a competition going on among show hosts, where we’re given some tasks we need to complete. And in this case, but “we,” I mean “you!”

We need to create show promos (commercials that advertise our shows) and in it, mention the exciting things that are going on during the funding drive, Pledge-O-Rama. We also have to mention one of the station’s incentives/events.

Promos can/should mention a specific show. If you feel like helping a brother out, try promoting Tell the Band to Go Home or Steel Belted Free Range Radio. On my Pledge-O-Rama shows, I’m hoping for special live guests, and will surely have a huge pile of prizes to give away, as well as copies of my annual “Best of” compilation.

UMFM is putting on a kick-off party at The West End Cultural Centre on Thursday, October 16. We also have some great ‘incentives’ to donate, like t-shirts, hoodies, and travel mugs.

So… wanna help out? You’ll get your commercials on the radio, and you’ll help a swell teacher (or one of his teammates) out! Maybe I’ll even buy you lunch or something…

Tell Mr. Robson what's on your mind!