Grade 7 ELA Outline

You can view/download the course outline here


In Grade 7, students will continue to build their language skills through a variety of texts and writing exercises.

*Note* Main skills being learned in each unit are highlighted here, however, other skills will be continuously woven into each of these units throughout the school year

Unit 1 – Sentence Structure and Paragraphing (September)

Goal: Students will know how to write proper, detailed sentences and proper paragraphs


○ Understanding the basic structure of a sentence (subject / predicate)

○ Recognizing fragment and run-on sentences and being able to correct them

○ Creating compound and complex sentences (adding sentence detail)

○ Understanding the 4 types of sentences and the proper punctuation for them

○ Understanding the basic structure of a paragraph (topic/body/conclusion)

Unit 2 – Superhero Universe (September – October)

Goal: Through writing and visuals, students will create a character that interacts within a classroom-created world


○ Using “Show” not “Tell” method of creative writing

○ Writing to appeal to the 5 senses

○ Sequencing events when writing (cause and effect)

○ Writing partnerships

Unit 3 – Heroes (October – November)

Goal: Through the study of various heroes, students will learn reading and research strategies


○ Finding key ideas when reading

○ Making inferences and personal connections

○ Using 5 “Ws” to add to detail to paragraph writing

○ Researching techniques (good sources, good information to use, paraphrasing)

Unit 4 – Novel Study – Underground to Canada (December – January)

Goal: Students will read a novel to learn important themes, story elements, and characterization


○ Reading strategies (highlighting, predicting, using inference, making personal connections)

○ Reading Comprehension (Higher order thinking) and generating their own opinions

○ Writing a 5 paragraph essay (Intro paragraph, 3 body paragraphs, concluding paragraph)

Unit 5 – Poetry through Music (February – March)

Goal: Through the study of songs, students will learn the elements of poetry


○ Understanding and using the poetic devices (simile, metaphor, alliteration, personification, hyperbole, onomatopoeia)

○ Understanding rhyme scheme and different types of poems (couplets, quatrains, limericks, free verse)

○ Understanding and using imagery when writing

○ Writing a properly structured song using poetic devices, rhyme scheme, and imagery

Unit 6 – Story Study through Graphic Novels (April – May)

Goal: Students will explore the importance of story elements through the study of graphic novels


○ Understanding the different story elements (character, setting, plot, conflict, theme)

○ Finding the story elements within their graphic novels and applying their knowledge

○ Using visuals to enhance understanding

Unit 7 – Building a Franchise (June)

Goal: Building off of the previous unit, students will collaborate to create their own original franchise that could span movies, television, books, and/or comics


○ Collaborating with classmates to apply knowledge of story elements

○ Oral presentation techniques (presence, eye contact, volume, pace)

○ Creating an effective visual presentation


Students will be assessed in the categories of:

1) Writing

2) Reading

3) Listening and Viewing

4) Speaking and Representing

5) Critical Thinking

Assessments will come in the form of:

1) Writing evaluation

2) Reading Comprehension evaluation

3) Assignments

4) Projects (individual and group)

5) Presentations and Personal Observations

Students will write a collaboratively developed common assessment so that every teacher understands what the expected learning outcomes are for each of their students.  The assessments will serve as a tool to inform students on areas of strength and outcomes that may need further support for the following school year.  Students will be collecting their work throughout the year in a portfolio.  The assessments completed throughout the school year will serve as a resource and practice for the final assessment in May/June.

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