Drama Games poster

We have been asked to help create the poster for the upcoming Drama Games.

Here are the details that need to be included:

Westwood Drama Department Presents:
Drama Games
January 19, 2024
7 pm
Westwood Collegiate
360 Rouge Road
Tickets at the door
$10 Adult, $5 Student

The “Games” feature a red team competing against a blue team.

Posters are usually printed at 11 inches by 17 inches. Resolution needs to be 300 pixels per inch.

Use HIGH QUALITY images & elements! Use sources like The Noun Project or Brands of the World, Unsplash, or another source of high quality images & icons, preferably vector.

Here are some photos from last year. You could use them, but they may not be great.

Here is one concept that has been created for this year:

Here is the poster that has been used in the past:

Tell Mr. Robson what's on your mind!