Category Archives: 705ELA

Sentence Problems

None of us are perfect. We all make errors when we are writing, often without even knowing it.

I’ve pulled out a sentence or two from everyone who has submitted paragraphs for me, just to show that everyone has made some kind of mistake. No mistake is better or worse than another. I’m not making fun of anyone’s sentences (and neither should you) and we’re not picking on anyone, just trying to make our sentences better.

I tried to find examples of fragments and run-ons, since we’ve been talking a lot about those.

Please have a look at the sentences in the file below and try to fix them up as best you can.


Grade 7 ELA Outline

You can view/download the course outline here


In Grade 7, students will continue to build their language skills through a variety of texts and writing exercises.

*Note* Main skills being learned in each unit are highlighted here, however, other skills will be continuously woven into each of these units throughout the school year

Unit 1 – Sentence Structure and Paragraphing (September)

Goal: Students will know how to write proper, detailed sentences and proper paragraphs


○ Understanding the basic structure of a sentence (subject / predicate)

○ Recognizing fragment and run-on sentences and being able to correct them

○ Creating compound and complex sentences (adding sentence detail)

○ Understanding the 4 types of sentences and the proper punctuation for them

○ Understanding the basic structure of a paragraph (topic/body/conclusion)

Unit 2 – Superhero Universe (September – October)

Goal: Through writing and visuals, students will create a character that interacts within a classroom-created world


○ Using “Show” not “Tell” method of creative writing

○ Writing to appeal to the 5 senses

○ Sequencing events when writing (cause and effect)

○ Writing partnerships

Unit 3 – Heroes (October – November)

Goal: Through the study of various heroes, students will learn reading and research strategies


○ Finding key ideas when reading

○ Making inferences and personal connections

○ Using 5 “Ws” to add to detail to paragraph writing

○ Researching techniques (good sources, good information to use, paraphrasing)

Unit 4 – Novel Study – Underground to Canada (December – January)

Goal: Students will read a novel to learn important themes, story elements, and characterization


○ Reading strategies (highlighting, predicting, using inference, making personal connections)

○ Reading Comprehension (Higher order thinking) and generating their own opinions

○ Writing a 5 paragraph essay (Intro paragraph, 3 body paragraphs, concluding paragraph)

Unit 5 – Poetry through Music (February – March)

Goal: Through the study of songs, students will learn the elements of poetry


○ Understanding and using the poetic devices (simile, metaphor, alliteration, personification, hyperbole, onomatopoeia)

○ Understanding rhyme scheme and different types of poems (couplets, quatrains, limericks, free verse)

○ Understanding and using imagery when writing

○ Writing a properly structured song using poetic devices, rhyme scheme, and imagery

Unit 6 – Story Study through Graphic Novels (April – May)

Goal: Students will explore the importance of story elements through the study of graphic novels


○ Understanding the different story elements (character, setting, plot, conflict, theme)

○ Finding the story elements within their graphic novels and applying their knowledge

○ Using visuals to enhance understanding

Unit 7 – Building a Franchise (June)

Goal: Building off of the previous unit, students will collaborate to create their own original franchise that could span movies, television, books, and/or comics


○ Collaborating with classmates to apply knowledge of story elements

○ Oral presentation techniques (presence, eye contact, volume, pace)

○ Creating an effective visual presentation


Students will be assessed in the categories of:

1) Writing

2) Reading

3) Listening and Viewing

4) Speaking and Representing

5) Critical Thinking

Assessments will come in the form of:

1) Writing evaluation

2) Reading Comprehension evaluation

3) Assignments

4) Projects (individual and group)

5) Presentations and Personal Observations

Students will write a collaboratively developed common assessment so that every teacher understands what the expected learning outcomes are for each of their students.  The assessments will serve as a tool to inform students on areas of strength and outcomes that may need further support for the following school year.  Students will be collecting their work throughout the year in a portfolio.  The assessments completed throughout the school year will serve as a resource and practice for the final assessment in May/June.