Illustrator Review/Logo Design

Here’s a little challenge for you. You should probably know something about logo design already. You’ve probably had to design one in this course previously. If you need some information about logo design or a good review, there is some good information HERE, in a set of instructions you might have seen before.

You should also know something about Illustrator and how to create illustrations in that application. You can find great tutorials in the program or go back to earlier projects HERE and HERE.

Assignment: Using Illustrator drawing tools AND text, create a logo. Here’s the twist. When you design a logo for a customer, you generally have to come up with a few different concepts so that the customer can have some choices. You will design THREE DIFFERENT logos. THREE. Each one should be unique.

You can either come up with one logo for 3 of the different ideas below, OR do three for one of these ideas/uses:

Think carefully about all of the elements you include. Your reflection this time will involve explaining WHY you chose the images, words, fonts, and colours that you did. You’ll also have to get feedback from your customer (ME!) and from your peers, and make changes if necessary.

It doesn’t really matter what size your document is for now, but for easy reference, I’ll make mine Letter sized (the size of a standard piece of paper), 8.5 x 11 inches

STUFF YOU SHOULD ALREADY KNOW (if not, get learning!):

  • The difference between VECTOR and RASTER images,
  • how to draw using various tools (ellipse, rectangle, line, polygon)
  • How to “constrain” to draw perfect squares and circles
  • How to round the corners of a shape
  • How to use the Direct Selection tool to modify shapes
  • How to use the pen or pencil tool to draw freehand
  • Combining shapes with the Pathfinder or Shape Builder Tool
  • Tracing raster images

If you already know how to use Illustrator, or if you think you can pick it up very quickly, this tutorial is very quick, but might be a good reminder/start: Combine shapes to build a logo.

Here’s another excellent tutorial on how to create a logo

If you need more information or help, I recommend looking in the Help menu!

Or go to YouTube or LinkedIn Learning.

Here are some good examples from previous students:


Tell Mr. Robson what's on your mind!