Category Archives: GT10G S2 2023

Layer Mask Photo Letters

For this project, you’ll need a series of high quality photos that will help you spell out a word or two. You’ll take those photos and fill in the letters that spell a word or phrase of your choice. Here’s an example:

Start off by creating a new blank file. I’m making mine the size of a standard piece of paper,  8.5 x 11 inches, but I’m putting it in Landscape orientation, so my measurements will be 11 wide and 8.5 tall. If you want to make yours 11 x 17 or 8 x 10, that would be fine.

Don’t forget to immediately save your work with the proper name in your OneDrive folder:

This is actually pretty simple. First, find a typeface that’s pretty big and blocky. You need a nice, thick, bold letter. Start off by making a letter in the top left corner:


You can copy layers (Ctrl + J) or alt + click/drag to copy out the letters until you have something like this:

Again, make sure that each letter is on its own layer!!!

Start by selecting whichever layer/letter you want to start with. Select the letter/layer.

Go into the File menu and choose Place Embedded…

Find your first photo and put it on top of the letter. Rename the layer.

You can move or resize the photo so that the most interesting part is right over top of the letter or move/resize later!

Right click on the letter and choose Create Clipping Mask

Or… use the Layer menu and choose Create Clipping Mask’

You’ll notice that there’s a little downward arrow next to the layer icon:

And the photo now takes the shape of whatever is below!

You can move or resize the photo layer to get the most interesting part right inside of the letter:

Keep doing that until you fill all of the letters

Your layers panel will be staggered, with each photo “clipped” on top of a letter

Place another photo in the background and adjust that

You’ll notice that the really colourful letters don’t contrast with the colourful background, so use those Layer styles/effects. Select a letter layer and click the little fx button on the bottom of the Layers panel

Play around and find the right layer style for you. A Stroke makes a lot of sense to me:

Putting a fairly thick, dark stroke around a letter makes the shape stand out. Make sure the Preview box is turned on and move the panel so you can see what you’re doing. Play with the settings until you get a look that you like:

Once you find a Style/Effect you like, you’ll notice a little fx on the layers panel

If you want that same look on other layers, you can hold the Alt key and drag it onto another layer!

Have fun and be creative with this one!

Once you’re done filling your letters, feel free to find more photos on Unsplash to create different Photo Letters/words or use a camera to take photos around our school to make your own Westwood letters!




Photoshop Composite Image

Make sure you have learned how to use Photoshop’s Selection Tools and Layers properly by following THESE INSTRUCTIONS before you attempt this assignment!

Your task is to take 4 or more images and create a composite image (which is just an image made up of multiple parts.) You should have fun and be creative with this one! Think of 3 parts/pieces that might go together, stick them in a new background, and you’ve got yourself a fun composite!

NOTE: I want to see an untouched copy of all of the images that you use! COPY pieces onto new layers as you PLACE images/Layers into your composite.

MAKE SURE YOU USE HIGH-QUALITY IMAGES! I HIGHLY recommend using Unsplash for this! Want to incorporate a picture of me for some reason? Get those HERE
If you want to use any of the images I downloaded when putting together mine, you can get those HERE


THIS odd creation:

is made up of all of these pieces:

Again, make sure you include an untouched copy of all of the images you use! You should also rename your layers!

My file’s layers look like this:



Combining Shapes

We’ve been working with Illustrator over the past little while and one of the most difficult, but most important concepts to pick up is combining shapes to make a clean outline that can be cut out of vinyl to make a sticker or a shirt.

Not only do you need to put something together using shapes, but you have to figure out how to combine shapes or cut pieces out so that each different coloured piece can be cut out and put together separately.

Here’s a quick and easy challenge. I want you to draw a simple picture of a snowman, kind of like this:

But… here’s the tricky part, you need to be able to go into the View menu, turn on Outline

And see something clean and simple like this:

If you have a whole mess of overlapping lines, it isn’t right and you’ll have to fix it because it wouldn’t cut out properly.

You could draw something else if you want to instead, but make sure it incorporates the same tools and ends up with the same, simple outlines for the different coloured pieces. There are no points for creativity here. It’s either right or it’s wrong!

In order to do this, I recommend learning a bit about the Pathfinder options:

Here’s a good writeup (the video is way too fast for me):–cms-25572

Official Adobe info:

InDesign Brochure Assignment

Once you’ve completed the sample, your assignment will be to create an original double-sided, trifold information brochure with your own design and content. It can be about any topic of your choice (school appropriate!) but you need to use InDesign and you need to include high-quality pieces!

InDesign document settings:

Before you start doing anything, SAVE!

Make sure OneDrive is RUNNING TODAY! OPEN THE PROGRAM! Opening the folder is NOT the same thing!

In your OneDrive, create a folder for this project! Mine is inside of a Graphic Tech folder (NOT the drop-off folder!)

All of the pieces for my project will go there!

I HIGHLY recommend grabbing some pictures before you begin. I HIGHLY recommend using Unsplash to download your photos!

When you see a photo you like, there’s an arrow right on top of the photo. Click it!

If you’re lucky, your computer will ask you where to save your file and you can choose to put them directly into your new Brochure folder

More likely, however, the file will just go into Downloads, which is fine for now.

You’ll see this box pop up. Copy that information and paste it into a Word document!

Save that document in your project folder

Put all of your sources into that document. You will PLACE that list of links on your BACK page.

When putting together your brochure, remember how the pages are laid out. The finished document will be folded into three. When folded, Page 1 looks like this:

Page 2 is a little more straightforward because it opens to reveal the whole “spread” so these pages are designed together.

You will need to take your time to design an interesting, appealing, and informative brochure on a topic of your choice. It will include:

  • an appealing cover/title
  • high-quality pictures related to your topic
  • a placed document with information about your topic (can be copied from somewhere like Wikipedia, but you need to format/style it so it looks appealing)
  • a list of the SOURCES of your photos and information
  • at least one image with Text Wrapped around it

Remember to TAKE YOUR TIME and make your brochure look purty! Here are some reminders/tips/expectations:

  • I don’t want to see any plain, white sections. Use colour!
  • I NEVER want you to use the default font! You’ll lose marks if I see Myriad Pro anywhere!

Your finished file needs to be handed in as a PACKAGE! Make sure that you do not have any missing linked files!

Samples from previous students:



Laser Engraving

Next up, you can utilize a lot of the same skills you’ve used before, when you designed something for vinyl cutout and when you outlined an object for print/cut stickers.

You have the opportunity to use our super cool laser engraver to come up with a nifty gift for someone you love, decoration for your home, or just a neat item for yourself.

With the engraver, you can make things like coasters, ornaments to hang in a window or on a tree, earrings, necklace pendants, charms, and more!

Here are some examples:

PLASTIC hangable ornaments/key chain/pendant:

WOOD hangable ornament/key chain/pendant:

WOOD or PLASTIC coasters:

METAL engraving:

You have the opportunity to design and create whatever you like.

You can design or create in Photoshop or Illustrator.

Start from a file that is 7.5 inches by 7.5 inches. You don’t have to use all of that space. We could possibly make something larger if you have a good idea. You do not have to fill up the entire page, but please PUT SEPARATE OBJECTS AS CLOSE TOGETHER AS POSSIBLE WITHOUT TOUCHING! (we’ll review that further down)

It is VERY IMPORTANT that you choose RGB Color Mode! You need a very particular colour, and it’s easier if you start from a file that is RGB.



There are TWO colours you can use to start:


and RGB Red

Anything that is BLACK will be engraved

Anything that is RGB Red will be cut.

As with vinyl cutting, we want a SIMPLE outline for our cuts. We do not want lines going all over the place. You can use simple shapes (ellipse/circle, rectangle/square, star, etc.) by using the drawing tools.

If you use a symmetrical shape, your design could be double sided! Here are some circular ornaments that can be double sided:

If you want something that is cut with an irregular shape, you would use the same technique that you used on the full colour stickers to create the outline.

These ones are irregular. The one on the top left could probably be double sided because it’s pretty symmetrical, but the others would not work. :

If you want some items double-sided and some single-sided, they should be SEPARATE FILES. Only files where everything on the page can be double-sided (symmetrical) will be engraved on both sides

Note that the red cut outlines are REALLY thin. The thickness of that cut line HAS TO BE .001 pt

If you are making more than one thing on a page, please PUT YOUR ITEMS AS CLOSE TOGETHER AS POSSIBLE WITHOUT TOUCHING!



So… what will you come up with? Be creative and have fun! These make great gifts!

You don’t absolutely have to make the finished product, but you do have to come up with a design. If you don’t follow the directions very carefully, your design won’t work, so it won’t be engraved/cut.

If you would like something cut, you will need to check with me to make sure that you are eligible (you have paid your fee and completed earlier assignments) and you will need to decide what material you would like your items engraved on (wood or coloured plastic are most common.)

Roland Cut Outlines

Once you have a design and wish to have it printed on our Roland printer and cut out as a sticker or heat transfer, you need to follow a very specific procedure in order for those cuts to happen.

First, you will need to download a file called Roland which is in The Hand Out Folder. DOWNLOAD that file. You DO NOT NEED TO OPEN IT. It will most likely go into your Downloads folder.

First, in Illustrator, open your Swatches panel. You might see it on the right side of the screen next to your Properties panel:

If not, go to Window/Swatches

At the top of the Swatches panel, look for the little three stripe – hamburger menu. Click that. Then go down to Open Swatch Library

At the bottom of the new window that pops up, you’ll see Other Library…

You need to find the Ronald VersaWorks file that you downloaded. It’s probably in your Downloads folder:

Open that and a new panel will open up. Look for the pink square with the little black dot on the bottom

Drag that pink square into the main Swatches panel. It will appear at the bottom of the main folder:

You’ll need that specific colour swatch in order to create your outlines!

You need to find your Layers panel. There should be an icon on the right side of your screen by the icon for the Swatches panel

Or again go into the Windows menu

Any images & designs that you’ve got on your Artboard will probably be on Layer 1

At the bottom of the list of layers, there’s a plus sign that will Create a New Layer:

You can rename layers by double clicking on  the Layer name. I’ll rename mine:

If you don’t, yours will look like this:

On that layer, you need to draw shapes or lines that will cut around your images/designs.

I’ll start with a simple one. I’ll make a rectangular sticker with a Warriors logo on it. (by the way, you can always download Westwood logos from your class page on this site, or just go HERE

Here’s the logo that I’ve placed on my Artboard.

On TOP of that (on my “outlines” layer – or Layer 2), I’ll draw a rectangle that will serve as my cut line.

I’ll activate the Rectangle tool (press M on your keyboard)

On the Properties panel, make sure the shape has NO FILL (white square with a diagonal red line) and use that special pink colour (Cut Contour) as the stroke

The thickness of the stroke should be .25 pt

On that top layer, I’ll click and drag a box on top of my image:

You’ll now see a really thin/faint pink outline on top. It will not print, instead, it’ll be where the printer cuts

You don’t have to have a rectangular cut line though. You could make it any shape you want.

I also have a circular Jets logo that I want to cut

For that, I’ll use the Ellipse tool (press L on your keyboard)

Again, the shape should have NO FILL and that Cut Contour for the stroke colour. The size should be .25 pt

You should know that to draw a perfect circle instead of an oval, you hold shift. But it’s hard to know exactly where to start.

Here’s a neat trick. If you go near the centre of an object, Illustrator will help you find the centre. You’ll see a little pink “intersect” point:

If you hold the Alt key, you can draw a shape from the centre. If I hold Shift and Alt, I can draw a circle out from the centre. Because the printer doesn’t always cut totally precisely, I like to leave a little bit of white space around my object.

If you don’t perfectly line up your outline and the image, you could activate your Selection tool (V) and select both the image and the outline (draw a box over both), and then choose Horizontal Align Center and Vertical Align Center in order to perfectly line them up


If you want to outline an irregular shape (something that isn’t rectangular or elliptical, for example), you can either use the pen tool to create an outline yourself OR follow THIS TUTORIAL, which explains another method quite well.


In the end, make sure that all of your Cut Contour outlines are on the very top layer

There’s one more important step that you need to follow. Select all of your outlines.

Go into the Object menu and choose Flatten Transparency…

In the box that pops up, change the Preset to High Resolution:

The rest is fine so just hit OK

Now it’s time to check your file and prepare for printing. Go to the File menu and choose Save As…

Change the file type to PDF

Hit Save

Now, check on the left hand side of the Save box for the word Summary. If it has an exclamation mark after it, there’s a PROBLEM

Click on it and you will see a warning at the bottom

This often means that the layer with the images also has transparency that needs to be flattened.

I like to lock my top, outlines layer before doing this

Then select the images layer

And again, Object/Flatten Transparency

MAKE SURE your outlines are still at the very top! If so, go through the Save As… step again. If the Summary now looks like this:

You’re good to save your .pdf file and hand it in for printing & cutting!

I don’t necessarily print every file I see, so if you would like yours printed, please put your hand up and ask nicely. I will check and make sure that you are eligible and that your file is set up correctly.