Category Archives: 601SS

Provinces & Capitals Practice

This Friday we’re going to have our first little quiz, which will test your knowledge of Canada’s provinces and capital cities. For most of us, this should be a review, so hopefully it won’t be too hard. If you’re unfamiliar with some of the names of the provinces or capital cities, the sites below will give you a chance to play some games and review before the quiz.

Site 1: Click the photo below to visit a site that offers 3 different games

Site 2: Click the photo below to visit a site that offers a bunch of different games. The two we want to focus on are Capitals and Provinces, but there are a bunch of different levels for you to try, so figure out whether you need something easier or a real challenge and have fun with it.

Following that, we’ll test your knowledge with a fun quiz-type game on Kahoot!

Course Outline

You can view/download the course outline here


Social Studies Grade 6 Course Outline
A. Course Overview:
In Grade 6 Social Studies, students focus on people and events in Canada from Confederation to the present. As they explore Canada’s past and present, they enhance their awareness of democratic ideals and their understanding of Canadian citizenship.

B. Essential Learnings
Essential Learnings describe the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that students are expected to demonstrate in the following areas:

• Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of concepts.
Students will interpret and express ideas clearly

• Research and Communication
o Students will access, select, organize, and record information and ideas using a variety of sources, tools, and technologies.

• Critical Thinking and Citizenship:
o Students will make observations and decisions to solve problems and explore a variety of approaches to questions.

C. Materials:
• 1 binder with divider
• lined paper (1 package of 100)
• Pens, pencils, pencil crayons/ markers, scissors, and glue.

D. Requirements:
• Students are expected to keep their binder neat and organized.
• Students are responsible for completing all assigned work on time.
• Students are responsible for obtaining and completing any missed work and/ or arranging a time to take a missed test.

E. Main Themes and Time Lines:

1 – Building a Nation: 1867 – 1914 (September-December)
Students will examine life in Canada after Confederation. This unit will focus on:
• The BNA Act
• 1885 Resistance
• Treaties and Reservations
• Manitoba’s entry into Confederation
• Canadian Pacific Railway

2 – An Emerging Nation: 1914 – 1945 (January-March)
Students will examine Canada as a newly emerging nation. This unit will focus on:
• Winnipeg General Strike
• Women’s Suffrage
• World War I
• The Great Depression
• World War II

3 – Shaping Contemporary Canada: 1945 – present (April-May)
Students will focus on the impact of global events, Canadian involvement in international organizations, and technological advancements that shaped contemporary Canadian life. This unit will focus on:
• Changes regarding Aboriginal rights in Canada
• Canada’s involvement in world conflicts
• Ways that technology and industry have impacted Canada

4 – Canada Today: Democracy, Diversity and the Influence of the Past (June)
Students will explore Canadian government, citizenship, and identity. This unit will focus on:
• Democracy
• Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
• Electoral Process
• Treaties and Land Claims

F. Assessment:
Students will be assessed according to their ability to demonstrate knowledge of the essential learnings. There are two main purposes in the assessment process:

1. Assessment for Learning:
First, teachers gather information about student learning that informs teaching and helps students learn more. The focus is on providing students with descriptive feedback to improve learning. Students are encouraged to reflect and assess their own learning (assessment as learning).

2. Assessment of Learning:
Evaluation, on the other hand, is a process of reviewing the evidence and determining how well students have learned. Evidence is gathered through observations, conversations, and products or performances and is summarized to represent a student’s learning at a certain point in time.

G. Reporting Assessment:
Students will be able to monitor their progress using the following criteria:

4: Very good to excellent understanding and application of concepts and skills.

3: Good understanding and application of concepts and skills.

2: Basic understanding and application of concepts and skills.

1: Limited understanding and application of concepts and skills.

ND: Does not yet demonstrate the required understanding and application of concepts and skills.

* Note: This is a general course overview and the timelines and exact content may change