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Photoshop Review/Advertisement

Your job here is simple. Make me an advertisement (designed for PRINT – although you do NOT have to print it) for some product/service/band/sports team, etc. that you are interested in.

Although you could do this in Illustrator or Indesign, for this, you should use Photoshop.

The ad needs to have one or more images

The ad needs to have one or more block of text.

The ad needs to be creative and interesting.

Other than that, the rest is up to you! Make an advertisement about something you’re interested in. I want the ad to tell me why this thing/person/event means something to you. Get me as interested and excited as you are!

Try to think about an advertisement’s purpose. Where do you see them? What should they do? If I place this ad in a magazine or newspaper, what am I hoping will happen? Those are some thoughts to consider.

You can (and probably should) look at some examples of PRINT advertisements. Online ads can be different, so make sure you are considering that this is designed for print. I have some magazines that you can flip through if you need inspiration, or you could look for some samples online.

Set up your ad to be 8.5″ x 11″ (or 11 x 8.5 if you want to be creative and different.) Resolution needs to be 300 pixels/inch. Since this is designed for print, the colour space should be CMYK.

Make sure you are using HIGH QUALITY images/assets. Use sites like Unsplash, The Noun Project, or perhaps Brands of the World for high quality elements. If you absolutely need to use Google Images, make sure you know how to find LARGE images. This post could help if you need some information/review.

Make sure you know how to PLACE EMBEDDED when you add images to your file. If they aren’t embedded, you will run into problems!

If you need some help getting started with Photoshop, please check out some of the following links:

Photoshop for Beginners

Adobe Learn

Get to Know the App

Get to Know Layers

Get to Know Selections

Add Text and Shapes to a Photo


Along with your advertisement file (named FirstAd or ConcertAd, etc. Anything untitled or unnamed won’t be opened!), you will hand in a reflection. I’d recommend creating a Word document and calling it AdReflection, or something like that. If you know InDesign or some other way of doing the reflection, that’s fine. If writing isn’t your thing and you’d rather just talk about your work, come see me at lunch.

Reflection questions:

  1. What does a “good” advertisement have/do? How do you know if an ad is “good”?
  2. What did you do that is “good”? What do you like about your ad? What are you proud of?
  3. What do you think could be improved on your ad? What could you have done better? If you had to do it again, what would you change?

Put some thought into those questions and explain yourself well for full marks! If it’s really short or not in full sentences, you won’t get full marks. This isn’t a writing class, so spelling and grammar and all of that stuff don’t really count, but they always help to make you look more intelligent.

First Logo Design

One of the most common jobs for a graphic designer is to come up with a company/organization’s logo. Once a business has a good logo, they can use it to help build their business, and a good logo can go a long way toward building brand recognition and helping to get the word out about a product or service.

But what is a logo and why is it so important?

There are different types of logos as well. Some are more detailed and descriptive, and some are extremely simple.

If you want to see samples of logos for inspiration, I recommend looking at Brands of the World.

If you want more logo design tips, I like this video as well:

If you already know how to use Illustrator, or if you think you can pick it up very quickly, this tutorial is very quick, but might be a good reminder/start: Combine shapes to build a logo.

Here’s another excellent tutorial on how to create a logo

More in-depth instructions for beginners:


For a good overview, click on Help, and go to Illustrator Help…

Click on Discover how Illustrator artwork is unique

There are many more tutorials that will help you to get to know the program. You can access those from the Help menu, then go into Tutorials…

If you’re looking for a good one to help you get started, click the link below:

Get to know Illustrator tutorial

Once you’ve done that, or if you don’t think you need it, you can explore the other tutorials on the left hand side