Replying to an Email

Make sure that you’ve read and completed the first part of the assignment before you try this one. You won’t be able to do this right unless you correctly send the first message!

Part one instructions

After you send me the email described in part one, I’ll send you a Reply, which I then want you to Reply to.

When I send you my reply, you’ll see it in your Inbox. It’ll look something like this:

Click on it to open the message and read it

There are two ways to reply:

with the first curved back arrow at the top:

or with the button at the end that says Reply

You need to be able to see my message because I want you to cut out the parts that aren’t relevant to your reply. To do that, you’ll need to click on the three dots to Show message history:

You should now see my message below a line. If you missed it above, read the message. You’re going to select ONE of the questions I asked and respond to it.

Emails can get super long and annoying if you don’t cut out all of the old and unnecessary bits from your reply. Getting in the habit of erasing all of the parts EXCEPT what you’re responding to is super important!

Leave the information about who sent the message when alone. Highlight the parts of my message that you don’t want to reply to and delete those. All you’ll be left with is something like this:

Then go back up to the top, above the line, and write another email with a greeting, the answer to the question, a signoff, and your name.

It should look something like this:

Once you’ve got that AND ONLY THAT, press Send and send it back to me! I probably won’t respond this time (but I might) but I will give you a mark for doing this correctly!

Marks for the assignment look like this:

Outlook Email – Marks

/1 – subject line is correct
/1 – suitable greeting
/1 – blank line
/2 – Message body is correct.
/1 – blank line
/1 – Sign off
/1 – blank line
/1 – your name

/9 – TOTAL


/1 – suitable greeting
/.5 – blank line
/1 – Message body is correct.
/1 – blank line
/1 – Sign off
/.5 – blank line
/1 – your name
/3 – original email snipped so that only the question being responded to is present

/9 – TOTAL

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